Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Resident Evil

This is me trying to be Alice from the first Resident Evil. Hopefully it looks pretty.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Twilight. OME!!! (oh my edward.) I adore it so much, I'm going to the New Moon premier on the 27th November. I hope that it will be a fantastic night, but the bad thing is that instead of going with any of my friends I'm going with my mother!!! If Robert asks if I know her I'll say "Never seen her before in my life." Lol. But nah it'll be great.

Friday, 20 February 2009


I have become totally obsessed with the X-Men movies (partly because of a dream I had involving me, Wolverine, a garage, Aquaman and being shot). But ever since then I love X-Men. Now here is my question if you are/were/or going to be a girl who would you rather have a. Wolverine/Logan b. Cyclops/Scott
c. Iceman/Bobby or d. Pyro/John.
I personally would choose a.
lol ^_^

Saturday, 27 December 2008

Nearly 2009

WOW!!! It's nearly 2009, oh god, gotta start working more at school (art the most but Kay (my friend) and me have way to much fun) *SOB* Anyways, hope everyone had fun on christmas, got what they wanted bla bla bla. I had the wiredest dream the other day, i was at school and one of my friends sister died and then my friend jumed off the first floor of our tower block but survived then my friend went bald!! Either my present of my other friend Nikki was lased with LSD or I'm goin crazy (er). Well rant over, and no bored, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. huff. ooohhh right i just though i'd take the oppertunity to write about my dis-like of paintings that consist of a dot, nothing else but a dot, its annoying, stupid, and a $%&*ing outrage, artists paint something desent for a change it wouldn't hurt. Mourons!

Theresa out.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Who would win in a battle?

What I want to know is in a Class of the Titans Vs Mew Mew Power face off's who would win?

So I've thought of these battles to see who might win:

  • JayVs Mark
  • Herry Vs Wesley
  • Neil Vs Elliott
  • Odie Vs Tarb
  • Archie Vs Pie
  • Theresa Vs Zoey
  • Atlanta Vs Renee
What do you think?

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Class of the Titans couples

The Class of the Titans couples go like this:-

Jay and Theresa :3

Archie and Atlanta

Odie and Calypso

Neil and Echo

Sadly Herry dosent have anybody but I do think Herry and the goddess Athena go well together since they care
for each other so much. ^_^
Theresa and JayArchie and Atlanta

Who's better for Kishu/Dren?

Who is better for our dear Kishu/Dren. Mew Zoey, Mew Corina or possibly you personally.
I think Corina is sooooooo much better for Kishu/Dren then Zoey. Now I've been searching around the internet and i was shocked and maddened when I stumbled upon this headline "Dren and Mark the perfect lovers!"Lets just say after what I wrote back they will think again before the BITCH ABOUT MY MARK!!
So back to my question which GIRL do you think is right for Kishu/Dren?