Saturday, 27 December 2008

Nearly 2009

WOW!!! It's nearly 2009, oh god, gotta start working more at school (art the most but Kay (my friend) and me have way to much fun) *SOB* Anyways, hope everyone had fun on christmas, got what they wanted bla bla bla. I had the wiredest dream the other day, i was at school and one of my friends sister died and then my friend jumed off the first floor of our tower block but survived then my friend went bald!! Either my present of my other friend Nikki was lased with LSD or I'm goin crazy (er). Well rant over, and no bored, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. huff. ooohhh right i just though i'd take the oppertunity to write about my dis-like of paintings that consist of a dot, nothing else but a dot, its annoying, stupid, and a $%&*ing outrage, artists paint something desent for a change it wouldn't hurt. Mourons!

Theresa out.