Sunday, 19 October 2008

Mew Boyfriends why do they hate Elliott?

What is it with Mew Boyfriend hating Elliot? Mark was very cold to Elliott when he met him and in the books Mark just flips out and goes all protective of Zoey causing her to turn into a cat. But if your thinking thats just one boyfriend well in the new books Tokyo a la mode Berry's boyfriend Tasuku dresses up as a girl and beats up Elliot after he turns her into a Mew Mew (yes Berry told him) and he flirts with her and gives her cookies. Now i know boyfriends get protective but Tasuku what you did was weird and VERY creepy! ^_^

1 comment:

K.I.S said...

lol, but wouldnt u cecretly b pleased if ur bf did that for u? lol. make an interesting plot line. its hard to save the world...wen ur bf liks wearing your clothes. n_n